Nathaniel Bartlett

portrait-1Nathaniel Bartlett performs and composes acoustic and electronic music with a special focus on the nuances and inner details of sound and its expression in a physically immersive listening space.

One of Bartlett’s main creative avenues is his live performance rig which seamlessly melds a five-octave acoustic marimba with a powerful Linux-based computer, custom computer control interfaces, a variety of hardware audio electronics, and eight loudspeakers (plus subwoofer) arranged in a cube. With the audience positioned in the center of the loudspeaker cube, an elaborate, kinetic, three-dimensional sound environment can be projected into the audience space, totally immersing the listeners in the music.

In Bartlett’s performances, two computer monitors are used in place of a conventional music stand. The music notation, now free from the physical realm of paper and ink, is created and manipulated in real time, just as the computer-generated sounds are created and manipulated in real time.

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photos by Eric Tadsen